‘Summer Catchers’ Finally Has a Mobile Release Date and is Available for Pre-Order on iOS and Android
It’s coming up on three years ago that we sat down with the folks from Noodlecake Games to see four of their upcoming mobile titles at GDC 2017. Those titles were: Flipping Legend, Lichtspeer, Invert, and Summer Catchers. Well, here we are all these years later and all of those games EXCEPT Summer Catchers has been released on mobile. I was starting to get worried, but thankfully this week my mind was put at ease when Summer Catchers became available for pre-order on the App Store with an expected release date of February 19th. Phew! Summer Catchers is a side-scrolling driving game, somewhat similar to those that have been popular on mobile over the years where you see how far you can drive before your vehicle craps out, then you take the coins you earned on your run to upgrade all sorts of stuff and set out on a new run where your upgraded vehicle allows you to get just a bit further than you did last time. Summer Catchers is kind of like that, but heavily story-based, and with all sorts of quests to complete along the way. It’s absolutely gorgeous too, check out the mobile trailer.
So you can probably see why I was so anxious for Summer Catchers to actually launch on mobile. There are more than a few cases of a really cool looking game being announced for mobile, but then all time and effort gets devoted to a desktop and/or console release and that mobile version never sees the light of day. Thankfully that’s not the case here, as Summer Catchers released on Steam back in July of last year and has been getting updated and whipped into shape for its mobile and Nintendo Switch release since. The Steam reviews have been super positive too, and there’s even a free demo you can go check out for that desktop version if you’re so inclined. Otherwise you can pre-order the iOS version on the App Store or the Android version on Google Play ahead of its release in just a few weeks on February 19th.
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